As you are ready to send out another social media communication have you ever wondered whats happens to these posts in the digital universe of the Internet with billions  of connected devices and people across nations and time zones and Interest groups? Have you thought of what eventually happened to that family picture you sent after a million forwards or how many people looked at your online resume or if you so-called trusted friend really looked at your Invitation card? . This is where tracking, monitoring and controlling your posts becomes a critical part of your very existance on the social media. Welcome to a free solution  that helps you do just that. And its Free. Please read on or watch the quick video to see how this can be done in 3 simple steps. And finally...would love to hear from you through the contact  page!



Control your Posts!

This is an example of how the usage of your links across the world can be viewed! You could also zoom into the locations and even views the details of the user who clicked your link! Most imposrtantly it is not just about tracing your posts but the ability to secure it that makes the solution very different. You can secure your link by specifying parameters like an expiry date for your link or select countries from where it can or cannot be accessed or specify a single IP address from where it can be viewed so that you are safe from the link being forwarded to an unintended recipient.

3 Simple steps to get started....

Its simple.. Just 3 steps to get started. Paste your current link, select security parmeters if required and click the SecuLinq button. You will get a new 'Track enabled' link and the login details to access the Application Monitor . Share the link with the world and keep visitng the monitor to tracke your post. As easy as that! 

Step 1 - Paste your Link
Enter the Original Link and a Name of your choice
Name A unique name that you can remember. This would be the UserID to login to the dashboard later to monitor.
Original Link Copy paste your link here that you wish to track and make secure (http:// or https:// prefix not required).

Step 2 (Optional) - Select Secure Parameters
Select Parameters to secure your link (Check that apply)
You can control the distribution to your link so that it cannot be accessed from geographical areas of your choice. Use the control key to make multiple selections of the countries from where your link will NOT be accessible.

For example if you want the content to be viewed only from USA,Canada and India, then use the shift key to select all countires and unselect these 3 countries only.
<February 2025>
If specified the link will not work after the validity date selected on the calendar.
The link would work only for the target IP. Ideal if you are sending to one person and you do not want it to be forwarded further.
Max Visitors Allowed Limit the maximum number of visitors to the link after which it expires. This is useful for registrations or invitations where a maximum limit is applicable.

Step 3 - Get your 'Track-Enabled' Link!
Enter the Original Link and a Name of your choice
    Click Button to get your new link and login information.
Long Link: Share either of these links on the internet or social Media
Short Link:
Login Details UserID: This information is required to login to the Application Monitor to manage your link
Access Code:
Please take note of the UserID and AccessCode to be able to login to the Application Monitor